Sunday, April 19, 2009

All Consuming Fire

I realized the difference between being hot for God, and being completely consumed by Him.

Correct me if I’m wrong but you can feel pretty hot, maybe even feel like your on fire, by just being near a roaring fire. But that’s not as close as actually being consumed and on fire.

Do you know the difference? Okay, here’s the obvious-

It burns.

It doesn’t always feel good; it hurts to come in contact with fire.  But do you know what it burns?  Fire is a cleanser, it recognizes all the impurities.  And not only does fire shine its light on them, it burns them out.

See, some of us are good with just being kinda hot because the light of the fire shows all the surface stuff that we can just brush off.  But then people are comfortable with just that; they don’t realize you still have to get in the fire.  Or some do realize but deep down inside, they’re too scared.

They’re scared because fire does not relent. It burns out the stuff that’s buried and hidden. It burns. It will clean out every single, small impurity.

I think I’m repeating myself there, but how ‘bout this one; it will cause destruction to a life. It can cause something to become unrecognizable. Let’s face it, for a fire to consume a physical body means death.

The Bible says God is a consuming fire. So for us to be in God, and Him in us that means we’ll be burned.

But it also means we must die.

To ourselves.

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